Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Just some random update:
1) Teachers day was an almighty success! All the scoldings and nagging we have endured all seemed worthwhile. And most importantly, one more mission accomplished excos((:

2) I have screamed too much on T'chers day. My throat is hurting like no body's business now.

3) I wanna exercise more but i can't find any motivation to do so! I think my parents are exercising more than me. Oh no! Not good.

4) My swimming examinations are coming! Hehheh. Someone just tell me: How is it possible for any human to tread water for 3 mins?! Wouldn't your leg break into 2 or something?
My verdict: Its NOT possible. XP

YEPP, thats basically summarises whats going on in my life.

To all SC seniors: The SC photo are with me already. I'll pass it to you guys when sch reopens.

To YAN BIN and ANSON: *drumrolls* I HAVE UPDATED!!

To S/R: HEHHEH! I am too lazy to change it! Pretend you don't see it((:

Random photos taken after swimming ((:

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